Meetings are encouraged to update their listing regularly. Please contact our web person at if a meeting changes or discontinues.
Below is the regular meeting format.
The agenda for Intergroup meetings is maintained by the Chairperson. Items for meetings must be submitted to the Chair no later than 48 hours before the first day of the month of the next meeting. On the first day of the month, the Chair will produce the agenda and publish it on the Intergroup section of the public website. Agenda items proposing changes to the bylaws must provide exact replacement text for the bylaws change before being considered or voted on. [bylaws, 5/20/06]
The sponsor of the item must be present in order to present the item, otherwise the item will be tabled until the following month. If the sponsor is not present the second time, the item is taken off the agenda.
Below is the regular meeting format.
The agenda for Intergroup meetings is maintained by the Chairperson. Items for meetings must be submitted to the Chair no later than 48 hours before the first day of the month of the next meeting. On the first day of the month, the Chair will produce the agenda and publish it on the Intergroup section of the public website. Agenda items proposing changes to the bylaws must provide exact replacement text for the bylaws change before being considered or voted on. [bylaws, 5/20/06]
The sponsor of the item must be present in order to present the item, otherwise the item will be tabled until the following month. If the sponsor is not present the second time, the item is taken off the agenda.
© 2025 San Francisco / East Bay SLAA