About Meetings
There are many different kinds of meetings. All meetings open with a statement of the purpose and philosophy of SLAA, a reading of the Twelve Steps, introductions so we can get to know each other, time for getting current, and a closing.
All meetings follow the 12 Traditions of SLAA, adapted from the mother program, Alcoholics Anonymous.
Add a New Meeting to the Calendar
- To have a new meeting added to the local calendar, email the Intergroup Chair at chair@slaa-sfeb.org.
- Tell them about the meeting generally.
- The Chair will email you back with a Password to fill out the Meeting Schedule Registration on this website.
- We will add the new meeting to the calendar as soon as we can.
For more instructions on creating a new meeting, proceed to Start a New Meeting page.
Make Update to an Existing Meeting
- To make changes to an existing meeting on the calendar, email the Web Person at webmaster@slaa-sfeb.org.
- Tell them about the changes to the meeting generally.
- The Web Person will email you back with a Password to fill out the Meeting Schedule Registration form on this website.
- We will make the changes to the meeting posting as soon as we can.
Click to see description of each
12 = Step Study
Step Study meetings focus on the work involved in the 12-step program. They may include reading the steps from the AA and/or SLAA books, discussing the steps, and writing on the steps as a part of all our recovery.
CH = Chips
Some meetings offer tokens of sobriety, known as “Chips”. Chips are available for many periods of sobriety, ranging from days to years.
C = Closed Meeting
Closed meetings are open only to SLAA members. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop acting out a pattern of sex and love addiction.
GC = Getting Current
“Getting Current” meetings have time for members to update the group about their daily lives and progress in recovery.
LGBTQ+ = Lesbian/Gay/Bi/Trans/Queer/+
LGBTQ+ meetings are a safe place for LGBTQ+ members to work their recovery.
NC = Newcomer
Newcomer meetings have a focus on introducing people to the program and its tools for recovery.
O = Open Meeting
Open meetings are open to Sex and Love Addicts & those trying to learn more about sex and love addiction. Newcomers are welcome at all Open meetings.
POC = People of Color
POC meetings are a safe space for people of color to explore their recovery.
S = Speaker
Speaker meetings feature a speaker sharing their recovery experience.
SC = Scent Free
Scent Free meetings provide a space for those sensitive to strong scents such as perfumes or other volatile products.
SD = Speaker/Discussion
Speaker/Discussion meetings feature speakers on topics related to recovery, and subsequent discussion.
WA = Wheelchair Accessible
Wheelchair accessible meetings are held in accessible facilities.
Meeting Secretaries are encouraged to check their meeting listing to be sure the meeting information is up to date and there are helpful details for newcomers and the fellowship. Please follow the instructions above to make updates for existing meetings.
Use the filters below to help find the meetings that best suit you.
Calendar of Events
S Sun
M Mon
T Tue
W Wed
T Thu
F Fri
S Sat
6 events,
Open Men’s Meeting
Open Men’s Meeting
(Formerly at Kaiser Broadway, Oakland) Information about how to maintain digital/phone anonymity, click here. Meeting readings (12 steps, etc.) click here. Meeting ID: 859 8049 7255 Passcode: 328236 One tap mobile +16699006833,,85980497255#,,,,,,0#,,328236# […]
Trans & Non-Binary & BIPOC & Accomplices Meeting
Trans & Non-Binary & BIPOC & Accomplices Meeting
Please reach out to this email to request the meeting ID and password: slaasundaynight@gmail.com
EB: Trans, GQ & Women’s Meeting
EB: Trans, GQ & Women’s Meeting
Step Study 3rd, Speaker 2nd & 4th, Business meeting 1st. St Pauls Lutheran Church 1658 Excelsior Ave, Oakland, CA 94602 *Entrance on Woodruff Ave *Ramp entrance on Excelsior Ave C, […]
Healing from Fantasy & Intrigue
Healing from Fantasy & Intrigue
Please email sundayslaa@gmail.com, and someone will reply with the Zoom meeting details. notes Information about how to maintain digital/phone anonymity, click here. 12 steps and other readings, click here
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving god as this power may be expressed through our group conscience. Our leaders are but […]
Healing Late Night Cravings
Healing Late Night Cravings
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 878 1190 Passcode: HLNC Group email: HealingLNC9@gmail.com
8 events,
Multilogue Group (Men)
Multilogue Group (Men)
The format of the meeting is for a member to choose a topic and for everyone to share on that topic or a topic of their choice. Everyone will be […]
Sex Workers
Sex Workers
This meeting is currently happening in online - please reach out to (510) 306-1670 for the meeting's google voice number) for more info. Closed meeting for current and former sex workers. […]
11th Step Meditation
11th Step Meditation
This meeting is an 11th Step meeting. There are readings, meditations, and shares. All are welcome. Previously in-person in Berkeley Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7606727583?pwd=MUJ3SlhtMzNqUkh2ZWgxMVhya3NjZz09 Meeting ID: 760 672 7583 Password: […]
Open-Fellowship Recovery Writing
Open-Fellowship Recovery Writing
This is an open-fellowship gathering for anyone who would like group support in doing any writing/reading related to their own recovery. this can be step-writing, inventories, journaling, art, etc.- whatever […]
SF: HOW Healthy Relationships
SF: HOW Healthy Relationships
The entrance may not be obvious. We are in the St. Ignatius Church on Parker & Fulton in the Pedro Arrupe room. Look for a brick at the top of […]
Building Partnerships & Healthy Sexuality
Building Partnerships & Healthy Sexuality
(Formerly in San Francisco — On the first, second, fourth and fifth Monday we read conference approved literature. On the third Monday we have a speaker. All are welcome. Information […]
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving god as this power may be expressed through our group conscience. Our leaders are but […]
Healing Late Night Cravings
Healing Late Night Cravings
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 878 1190 Passcode: HLNC Group email: HealingLNC9@gmail.com
8 events,
In the Solution (Men)
In the Solution (Men)
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83794255879?pwd=YXBHd2pUQkVITVYwQVdDbXFFbHpCZz09 Meeting ID: 837 9425 5879 Passcode: 427171 O, 12, GC, SC, SD.
Men’s Meeting
Men’s Meeting
Speakers: 1st, 3rd, 5th Thursday; Step Reading: 2nd, 4th Thursdays; Chips: 4th Thursday. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87296314258?pwd=T0NzeXNWZlNHY1djMlQ4VzVST2Y2QT09 Meeting ID: 872 9631 4258 Password: 1823 Dial by your location +1 669 900 […]
Tools, Step Study, & Meditation
Tools, Step Study, & Meditation
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/989146422?pwd=ZVdkWWF6NUs3T2J3T1lyYWFCa3JwQT09 Meeting ID: 989 146 422 Passcode: email toolsstepstudy@gmail.com for password Call in number: +1-669-900-6833
Trans & Genderqueer Folx and Cis Women Meeting
Trans & Genderqueer Folx and Cis Women Meeting
Please send an email to slaa7tuesday@gmail.com no later than 5PM Pacific Time on Tuesday for information about how to access our online Zoom meeting. notes Description:Information about how to maintain digital/phone […]
SF & HYBRID: Gay & Queer Men’s Meeting
SF & HYBRID: Gay & Queer Men’s Meeting
This meeting focuses on the experiences of queer, gay, bi, trans, and questioning men, but is open to all who consider themselves sex and love addicts, sex and love anorexics, […]
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving god as this power may be expressed through our group conscience. Our leaders are but […]
Healing Late Night Cravings
Healing Late Night Cravings
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 878 1190 Passcode: HLNC Group email: HealingLNC9@gmail.com
8 events,
Open Recovery Writing Meeting
Open Recovery Writing Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86724219848?pwd=Wkc2b2dpU1liRi9ZMG1vcmYvdytBZz09 Meeting ID: 867 2421 9848 Passcode: 325885 +16699006833,,86724219848#,,,,*325885# US (San Jose)
12 & 12 Gratitude
12 & 12 Gratitude
(formerly @ Epworth Church in Berkeley) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87064710004?pwd=dVZudzZBTTd1QU9KRW5CdWIxYndTQT09 Meeting ID: 870 6471 0004 Passcode: 092883 One tap mobile +16699006833,,87064710004#,,,,*092883# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,87064710004#,,,,*092883# US (Tacoma) Information about how to maintain digital/phone […]
Healthy Connections
Healthy Connections
A San Francisco-based meeting cultivating healthy connecting relationships with yourself, with your Higher Power, and with other people! Readings of SLAA literature on sex and love addiction as well as […]
People of Color
People of Color
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89670129212 Meeting ID: 896 7012 9212 People of Color, C, GC WC
Women on Wednesdays
Women on Wednesdays
Open to all female identified people interested in their own recovery. To receive the meeting credentials, please send your name and email to womenonwednesdaymarin@gmail.com. Business Meetings are after the meeting […]
Men’s Basic Text & Speaker Meeting
Men’s Basic Text & Speaker Meeting
All male identified individuals welcome. O. GC, SC, WA, S, NC. Speaker every week. (previously at CPMC in San Francisco) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86397645337?pwd=OWZqWnFCdkRxYTNmQmFoVTZqUG5xZz09 Meeting ID: 863 9764 5337 Password: 822460 +1 669 […]
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving god as this power may be expressed through our group conscience. Our leaders are but […]
Healing Late Night Cravings
Healing Late Night Cravings
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 878 1190 Passcode: HLNC Group email: HealingLNC9@gmail.com
10 events,
LGBTQ+ topic, closed caption, meditation, sharing
LGBTQ+ topic, closed caption, meditation, sharing
Focus varies by topic, chosen by the leader. LGBTQ+, closed caption, meditation and sharing For the Zoom password, please email queerslaathursday@gmail.com
Therapists, Clergy, Teachers & Helping Professionals
Therapists, Clergy, Teachers & Helping Professionals
Closed meeting; for location and details call (925) 323-8120
HOW Healthy Relationships
HOW Healthy Relationships
HOW Format meeting with a focus on tools for Healthy Relationships. Please note: Meeting is locked at 6:10pm PST. Meeting requires cameras remain on for the entirety of the session. […]
SF: The San Francisco Augustine Group
SF: The San Francisco Augustine Group
Alternating step study/speaker every other week. Not wheelchair accessible.
SF: Women’s, Trans & Nonbinary
SF: Women’s, Trans & Nonbinary
The format rotates each week: speaker, literature, topic & meditation. Description Clipper Street entrance For entry, text (415) 471-6284
SF: Women’s, Trans & Nonbinary
SF: Women’s, Trans & Nonbinary
The format rotates each week: speaker, literature, topic & meditation. Description Clipper Street entrance For entry, text (415) 471-6284
Focus On Anorexia: All Welcome!
Focus On Anorexia: All Welcome!
In the fellowship of SLAA, "anorexia" is defined as the compulsive avoidance of giving or receiving social, sexual or emotional nourishment. This is an open meeting in which we explore […]
Focus On Anorexia: All Welcome!
Focus On Anorexia: All Welcome!
In the fellowship of SLAA, "anorexia" is defined as the compulsive avoidance of giving or receiving social, sexual or emotional nourishment. This is an open meeting in which we explore […]
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving god as this power may be expressed through our group conscience. Our leaders are but […]
Healing Late Night Cravings
Healing Late Night Cravings
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 878 1190 Passcode: HLNC Group email: HealingLNC9@gmail.com
6 events,
EB: Applying 12 Step Principles
EB: Applying 12 Step Principles
This meeting is in person. We read from three different books. Epworth United Methodist Church, 1953 Hopkins St, Berkeley, CA 94707, upstairs in the library O. 12. GC.
EB: Fantasy / Intrigue
EB: Fantasy / Intrigue
Friday Night meeting will be held indoors and in person every Friday at . Epworth United Methodist Church 1953 Hopkins Street, Berkeley Room 29 There is plenty of parking.
Open-Fellowship Recovery Writing
Open-Fellowship Recovery Writing
This is an open-fellowship gathering for anyone who would like group support in doing any writing/reading related to their own recovery. this can be step-writing, inventories, journaling, art, etc.- whatever […]
Healthy Fun & Adventure (Men)
Healthy Fun & Adventure (Men)
(formerly in-person in SF) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88059783225?pwd=TUFwSHdmczRoRy83djZFcTNvMGVsdz09 Meeting ID: 880 5978 3225 Passcode: 839954 +1 669 900 6833 US
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving god as this power may be expressed through our group conscience. Our leaders are but […]
Healing Late Night Cravings
Healing Late Night Cravings
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 878 1190 Passcode: HLNC Group email: HealingLNC9@gmail.com
8 events,
Open Men’s Meeting
Open Men’s Meeting
Information about how to maintain digital/phone anonymity, click here. Meeting readings (12 steps, etc.) click here. Zoom is open at 7:45 before the meeting and left open for fellowship after the […]
EB: Men’s Meeting – Living in the Solution (NEW)
EB: Men’s Meeting – Living in the Solution (NEW)
This meeting is in-person. Reading/Writing alternate weeks. Fellowship following the meeting is encouraged. O. Men's. GC, 12, GC, SC, SD. Good Shepherd Episcopal Church 1823 Ninth St. Berkeley, CA 94710 […]
EB: Women, Trans, & Gender Queer in Recovery
EB: Women, Trans, & Gender Queer in Recovery
This is a meeting for women, trans and gender queer folks only. Format: speaker-discussion, step study, getting current. IN-PERSON Lake Merritt United Methodist Church 1255 1st Ave Oakland, CA 94606 […]
SF: Women’s, Trans & Non Binary SLAA Mtg
SF: Women’s, Trans & Non Binary SLAA Mtg
Format: weeks 1-3, we read from the SLAA Basic Text; week 4 is a Speaker. Women, trans, and non binary identifying humans only. Newcomers welcome! Gratitude Center, 1320 7th Avenue, […]
SF & HYBRID: Uptown Saturday Night
SF & HYBRID: Uptown Saturday Night
O, GC, CH, S. Chips last Saturday of each month. Fellowship happens most Saturdays after the meeting. If you’d like to attend the meeting in person, please join us at […]
EB: Saturday Evening in North Berkeley
EB: Saturday Evening in North Berkeley
All are welcome, this is an open, in-person meeting. Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists (“BFUU”) Church 1606 Bonita Ave, Berkeley, CA 94709. To get to the meeting room, enter the […]
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving god as this power may be expressed through our group conscience. Our leaders are but […]
Healing Late Night Cravings
Healing Late Night Cravings
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 878 1190 Passcode: HLNC Group email: HealingLNC9@gmail.com
5 events,
Trans & Non-Binary & BIPOC & Accomplices Meeting
Trans & Non-Binary & BIPOC & Accomplices Meeting
Please reach out to this email to request the meeting ID and password: slaasundaynight@gmail.com
EB: Trans, GQ & Women’s Meeting
EB: Trans, GQ & Women’s Meeting
Step Study 3rd, Speaker 2nd & 4th, Business meeting 1st. St Pauls Lutheran Church 1658 Excelsior Ave, Oakland, CA 94602 *Entrance on Woodruff Ave *Ramp entrance on Excelsior Ave C, […]
Healing from Fantasy & Intrigue
Healing from Fantasy & Intrigue
Please email sundayslaa@gmail.com, and someone will reply with the Zoom meeting details. notes Information about how to maintain digital/phone anonymity, click here. 12 steps and other readings, click here
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving god as this power may be expressed through our group conscience. Our leaders are but […]
Healing Late Night Cravings
Healing Late Night Cravings
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 878 1190 Passcode: HLNC Group email: HealingLNC9@gmail.com
9 events,
Multilogue Group (Men)
Multilogue Group (Men)
The format of the meeting is for a member to choose a topic and for everyone to share on that topic or a topic of their choice. Everyone will be […]
Sex Workers
Sex Workers
This meeting is currently happening in online - please reach out to (510) 306-1670 for the meeting's google voice number) for more info. Closed meeting for current and former sex workers. […]
11th Step Meditation
11th Step Meditation
This meeting is an 11th Step meeting. There are readings, meditations, and shares. All are welcome. Previously in-person in Berkeley Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7606727583?pwd=MUJ3SlhtMzNqUkh2ZWgxMVhya3NjZz09 Meeting ID: 760 672 7583 Password: […]
Open-Fellowship Recovery Writing
Open-Fellowship Recovery Writing
This is an open-fellowship gathering for anyone who would like group support in doing any writing/reading related to their own recovery. this can be step-writing, inventories, journaling, art, etc.- whatever […]
SF: HOW Healthy Relationships
SF: HOW Healthy Relationships
The entrance may not be obvious. We are in the St. Ignatius Church on Parker & Fulton in the Pedro Arrupe room. Look for a brick at the top of […]
Building Partnerships & Healthy Sexuality
Building Partnerships & Healthy Sexuality
(Formerly in San Francisco — On the first, second, fourth and fifth Monday we read conference approved literature. On the third Monday we have a speaker. All are welcome. Information […]
Walnut Creek SLAA Mtg
Walnut Creek SLAA Mtg
This meeting meets every Monday night. The 1st, 3rd, and 5th Mondays are on Zoom; the 2nd and 4th Mondays are in person. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/463523779?pwd=aHhxUXpRTTUxVmJ6RVVPa1pWanlBUT09 Meeting ID: 463 523 779 Password: […]
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving god as this power may be expressed through our group conscience. Our leaders are but […]
Healing Late Night Cravings
Healing Late Night Cravings
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 878 1190 Passcode: HLNC Group email: HealingLNC9@gmail.com
8 events,
In the Solution (Men)
In the Solution (Men)
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83794255879?pwd=YXBHd2pUQkVITVYwQVdDbXFFbHpCZz09 Meeting ID: 837 9425 5879 Passcode: 427171 O, 12, GC, SC, SD.
Men’s Meeting
Men’s Meeting
Speakers: 1st, 3rd, 5th Thursday; Step Reading: 2nd, 4th Thursdays; Chips: 4th Thursday. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87296314258?pwd=T0NzeXNWZlNHY1djMlQ4VzVST2Y2QT09 Meeting ID: 872 9631 4258 Password: 1823 Dial by your location +1 669 900 […]
Tools, Step Study, & Meditation
Tools, Step Study, & Meditation
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/989146422?pwd=ZVdkWWF6NUs3T2J3T1lyYWFCa3JwQT09 Meeting ID: 989 146 422 Passcode: email toolsstepstudy@gmail.com for password Call in number: +1-669-900-6833
Trans & Genderqueer Folx and Cis Women Meeting
Trans & Genderqueer Folx and Cis Women Meeting
Please send an email to slaa7tuesday@gmail.com no later than 5PM Pacific Time on Tuesday for information about how to access our online Zoom meeting. notes Description:Information about how to maintain digital/phone […]
SF & HYBRID: Gay & Queer Men’s Meeting
SF & HYBRID: Gay & Queer Men’s Meeting
This meeting focuses on the experiences of queer, gay, bi, trans, and questioning men, but is open to all who consider themselves sex and love addicts, sex and love anorexics, […]
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving god as this power may be expressed through our group conscience. Our leaders are but […]
Healing Late Night Cravings
Healing Late Night Cravings
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 878 1190 Passcode: HLNC Group email: HealingLNC9@gmail.com
8 events,
Open Recovery Writing Meeting
Open Recovery Writing Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86724219848?pwd=Wkc2b2dpU1liRi9ZMG1vcmYvdytBZz09 Meeting ID: 867 2421 9848 Passcode: 325885 +16699006833,,86724219848#,,,,*325885# US (San Jose)
12 & 12 Gratitude
12 & 12 Gratitude
(formerly @ Epworth Church in Berkeley) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87064710004?pwd=dVZudzZBTTd1QU9KRW5CdWIxYndTQT09 Meeting ID: 870 6471 0004 Passcode: 092883 One tap mobile +16699006833,,87064710004#,,,,*092883# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,87064710004#,,,,*092883# US (Tacoma) Information about how to maintain digital/phone […]
Healthy Connections
Healthy Connections
A San Francisco-based meeting cultivating healthy connecting relationships with yourself, with your Higher Power, and with other people! Readings of SLAA literature on sex and love addiction as well as […]
People of Color
People of Color
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89670129212 Meeting ID: 896 7012 9212 People of Color, C, GC WC
Women on Wednesdays
Women on Wednesdays
Open to all female identified people interested in their own recovery. To receive the meeting credentials, please send your name and email to womenonwednesdaymarin@gmail.com. Business Meetings are after the meeting […]
Men’s Basic Text & Speaker Meeting
Men’s Basic Text & Speaker Meeting
All male identified individuals welcome. O. GC, SC, WA, S, NC. Speaker every week. (previously at CPMC in San Francisco) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86397645337?pwd=OWZqWnFCdkRxYTNmQmFoVTZqUG5xZz09 Meeting ID: 863 9764 5337 Password: 822460 +1 669 […]
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving god as this power may be expressed through our group conscience. Our leaders are but […]
Healing Late Night Cravings
Healing Late Night Cravings
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 878 1190 Passcode: HLNC Group email: HealingLNC9@gmail.com
9 events,
LGBTQ+ topic, closed caption, meditation, sharing
LGBTQ+ topic, closed caption, meditation, sharing
Focus varies by topic, chosen by the leader. LGBTQ+, closed caption, meditation and sharing For the Zoom password, please email queerslaathursday@gmail.com
Therapists, Clergy, Teachers & Helping Professionals
Therapists, Clergy, Teachers & Helping Professionals
Closed meeting; for location and details call (925) 323-8120
HOW Healthy Relationships
HOW Healthy Relationships
HOW Format meeting with a focus on tools for Healthy Relationships. Please note: Meeting is locked at 6:10pm PST. Meeting requires cameras remain on for the entirety of the session. […]
SF: The San Francisco Augustine Group
SF: The San Francisco Augustine Group
Alternating step study/speaker every other week. Not wheelchair accessible.
SF: Women’s, Trans & Nonbinary
SF: Women’s, Trans & Nonbinary
The format rotates each week: speaker, literature, topic & meditation. Description Clipper Street entrance For entry, text (415) 471-6284
Men’s Meeting
Men’s Meeting
Speakers: 1st, 3rd, 5th Thursday; Step Reading: 2nd, 4th Thursdays; Chips: 4th Thursday. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87296314258?pwd=T0NzeXNWZlNHY1djMlQ4VzVST2Y2QT09 Meeting ID: 872 9631 4258 Password: 1823 Dial by your location +1 669 900 […]
Focus On Anorexia: All Welcome!
Focus On Anorexia: All Welcome!
In the fellowship of SLAA, "anorexia" is defined as the compulsive avoidance of giving or receiving social, sexual or emotional nourishment. This is an open meeting in which we explore […]
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving god as this power may be expressed through our group conscience. Our leaders are but […]
Healing Late Night Cravings
Healing Late Night Cravings
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 878 1190 Passcode: HLNC Group email: HealingLNC9@gmail.com
6 events,
EB: Applying 12 Step Principles
EB: Applying 12 Step Principles
This meeting is in person. We read from three different books. Epworth United Methodist Church, 1953 Hopkins St, Berkeley, CA 94707, upstairs in the library O. 12. GC.
EB: Fantasy / Intrigue
EB: Fantasy / Intrigue
Friday Night meeting will be held indoors and in person every Friday at . Epworth United Methodist Church 1953 Hopkins Street, Berkeley Room 29 There is plenty of parking.
Open-Fellowship Recovery Writing
Open-Fellowship Recovery Writing
This is an open-fellowship gathering for anyone who would like group support in doing any writing/reading related to their own recovery. this can be step-writing, inventories, journaling, art, etc.- whatever […]
Healthy Fun & Adventure (Men)
Healthy Fun & Adventure (Men)
(formerly in-person in SF) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88059783225?pwd=TUFwSHdmczRoRy83djZFcTNvMGVsdz09 Meeting ID: 880 5978 3225 Passcode: 839954 +1 669 900 6833 US
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving god as this power may be expressed through our group conscience. Our leaders are but […]
Healing Late Night Cravings
Healing Late Night Cravings
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 878 1190 Passcode: HLNC Group email: HealingLNC9@gmail.com
8 events,
Open Men’s Meeting
Open Men’s Meeting
Information about how to maintain digital/phone anonymity, click here. Meeting readings (12 steps, etc.) click here. Zoom is open at 7:45 before the meeting and left open for fellowship after the […]
EB: Men’s Meeting – Living in the Solution (NEW)
EB: Men’s Meeting – Living in the Solution (NEW)
This meeting is in-person. Reading/Writing alternate weeks. Fellowship following the meeting is encouraged. O. Men's. GC, 12, GC, SC, SD. Good Shepherd Episcopal Church 1823 Ninth St. Berkeley, CA 94710 […]
EB: Women, Trans, & Gender Queer in Recovery
EB: Women, Trans, & Gender Queer in Recovery
This is a meeting for women, trans and gender queer folks only. Format: speaker-discussion, step study, getting current. IN-PERSON Lake Merritt United Methodist Church 1255 1st Ave Oakland, CA 94606 […]
SF: Women’s, Trans & Non Binary SLAA Mtg
SF: Women’s, Trans & Non Binary SLAA Mtg
Format: weeks 1-3, we read from the SLAA Basic Text; week 4 is a Speaker. Women, trans, and non binary identifying humans only. Newcomers welcome! Gratitude Center, 1320 7th Avenue, […]
SF & HYBRID: Uptown Saturday Night
SF & HYBRID: Uptown Saturday Night
O, GC, CH, S. Chips last Saturday of each month. Fellowship happens most Saturdays after the meeting. If you’d like to attend the meeting in person, please join us at […]
EB: Saturday Evening in North Berkeley
EB: Saturday Evening in North Berkeley
All are welcome, this is an open, in-person meeting. Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists (“BFUU”) Church 1606 Bonita Ave, Berkeley, CA 94709. To get to the meeting room, enter the […]
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving god as this power may be expressed through our group conscience. Our leaders are but […]
Healing Late Night Cravings
Healing Late Night Cravings
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 878 1190 Passcode: HLNC Group email: HealingLNC9@gmail.com
5 events,
Trans & Non-Binary & BIPOC & Accomplices Meeting
Trans & Non-Binary & BIPOC & Accomplices Meeting
Please reach out to this email to request the meeting ID and password: slaasundaynight@gmail.com
EB: Trans, GQ & Women’s Meeting
EB: Trans, GQ & Women’s Meeting
Step Study 3rd, Speaker 2nd & 4th, Business meeting 1st. St Pauls Lutheran Church 1658 Excelsior Ave, Oakland, CA 94602 *Entrance on Woodruff Ave *Ramp entrance on Excelsior Ave C, […]
Healing from Fantasy & Intrigue
Healing from Fantasy & Intrigue
Please email sundayslaa@gmail.com, and someone will reply with the Zoom meeting details. notes Information about how to maintain digital/phone anonymity, click here. 12 steps and other readings, click here
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving god as this power may be expressed through our group conscience. Our leaders are but […]
Healing Late Night Cravings
Healing Late Night Cravings
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 878 1190 Passcode: HLNC Group email: HealingLNC9@gmail.com
9 events,
Multilogue Group (Men)
Multilogue Group (Men)
The format of the meeting is for a member to choose a topic and for everyone to share on that topic or a topic of their choice. Everyone will be […]
Sex Workers
Sex Workers
This meeting is currently happening in online - please reach out to (510) 306-1670 for the meeting's google voice number) for more info. Closed meeting for current and former sex workers. […]
11th Step Meditation
11th Step Meditation
This meeting is an 11th Step meeting. There are readings, meditations, and shares. All are welcome. Previously in-person in Berkeley Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7606727583?pwd=MUJ3SlhtMzNqUkh2ZWgxMVhya3NjZz09 Meeting ID: 760 672 7583 Password: […]
Open-Fellowship Recovery Writing
Open-Fellowship Recovery Writing
This is an open-fellowship gathering for anyone who would like group support in doing any writing/reading related to their own recovery. this can be step-writing, inventories, journaling, art, etc.- whatever […]
SF: HOW Healthy Relationships
SF: HOW Healthy Relationships
The entrance may not be obvious. We are in the St. Ignatius Church on Parker & Fulton in the Pedro Arrupe room. Look for a brick at the top of […]
Building Partnerships & Healthy Sexuality
Building Partnerships & Healthy Sexuality
(Formerly in San Francisco — On the first, second, fourth and fifth Monday we read conference approved literature. On the third Monday we have a speaker. All are welcome. Information […]
WC: Walnut Creek SLAA
WC: Walnut Creek SLAA
DAY/TIME: Mondays, 7:30 PM IN-PERSON on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month - location below VIA ZOOM on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Mondays In-Person Location: St. Paul's Episcopal Church in […]
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
One Ultimate Authority: Power of Group Conscience
Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving god as this power may be expressed through our group conscience. Our leaders are but […]
Healing Late Night Cravings
Healing Late Night Cravings
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 878 1190 Passcode: HLNC Group email: HealingLNC9@gmail.com
7 events,
In the Solution (Men)
In the Solution (Men)
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83794255879?pwd=YXBHd2pUQkVITVYwQVdDbXFFbHpCZz09 Meeting ID: 837 9425 5879 Passcode: 427171 O, 12, GC, SC, SD.
Tools, Step Study, & Meditation
Tools, Step Study, & Meditation
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/989146422?pwd=ZVdkWWF6NUs3T2J3T1lyYWFCa3JwQT09 Meeting ID: 989 146 422 Passcode: email toolsstepstudy@gmail.com for password Call in number: +1-669-900-6833
Trans & Genderqueer Folx and Cis Women Meeting
Trans & Genderqueer Folx and Cis Women Meeting
Please send an email to slaa7tuesday@gmail.com no later than 5PM Pacific Time on Tuesday for information about how to access our online Zoom meeting. notes Description:Information about how to maintain digital/phone […]