What is Intergroup?
SLAA is organized in a three-level structure. At the core is a single group, Fellowship-Wide Services (FWS), that provides core literature and program guidance to the rest of the organization.
In each region, where a region is typically a metropolitan area or a state, there is an Intergroup organization which coordinates and supports all the Meetings in their geographical area.
Intergroups organize regional activities, coordinate meetings, and distribute literature to the meetings. In addition to these responsibilities, they maintain an understanding of the views of the meetings in their region through the Intergroup reps, and represent that at the annual SLAA business meeting.
Intergroup Reps
The Intergroup Rep participates in the process of developing policy and plans at the intergroup level, representing their meeting in that process, and reports back to their meeting.
Why get involved with or attend Intergroup?
Attending Intergroup is a fascinating way to learn how the program operates and reaches consensus, as well as a way to provide service to the organization as a whole.
Attend Intergroup
Intergroup meetings are typically held monthly on Zoom. Any SLAA members are welcome. See details below.
Attending the Intergroup Meeting
3rd Saturday of the month
10:00 am – 12:15 pm
Meeting ID: 867 9508 1089
Password: 709618
See Meeting ID & Password above
The agenda for Intergroup meetings is maintained by the Chairperson.
- Items for meetings must be submitted to the Chair at chair@slaa-sfeb.org no later than 48 hours before the first day of the month of the next meeting.
- The sponsor of the item must be present in order to present the item, otherwise the item will be tabled until the following month. If the sponsor is not present the second time, the item will be taken off the agenda.
Below is the regular meeting format.
Regular Meeting Format
10:00 OPENING (10 mins.)
- Moment of Silence and Serenity Prayer
- 12 Steps
- 12 Traditions
- Welcome Newcomers and brief description of IG 30 Second General Introductions: include what group you represent or service position you hold and optionally a short check-in
- Hand out clipboards with contact #s and new agenda items
10:20 GROUP INVENTORY (10 mins.)
Topic to be selected by Chair
10:30 APPROVAL OF LAST MONTH (5 mins.)
10:35 OFFICER REPORTS (20 mins.)
- Chair
- Committee Members
- Delegates
- Events Coordinator
- Public Information
- Treasurer
- 7th Tradition
11:00 CONDUCT BUSINESS (65 mins.)
- 7th Tradition
- Announcements
- 30 second check-outs
- Unity Prayer
Intergroup Email List
There is a special email list for Intergroup announcements. Intergroup Officers and Group Representatives should contact the Intergroup Chair at chair@slaa-sfeb.org to be added to the email list for Intergroup announcements, agendas and minutes. Members on this list also have access to additional resources for running a meeting.
It is suggested that each group have at least one additional person (i.e. the group’s Secretary) on this email list as backup to ensure that Intergroup information is communicated to each group in the fellowship at its monthly business meeting.
Anyone in the fellowship who is interested in what is happening at Intergroup is welcome to be on this list also.
Subscribe to the Intergroup Messenger newsletter!
Get news and events from SF / East Bay SLAA fellowship and beyond.
IG Elections
Intergroup elections are held in November and December of each year. This is an excellent opportunity for service. It is also an opportunity to see how the program functions at a deeper level. Meetings are well organized and are a very good example of the precept of “principles and not personalities”.
General Responsibilities of All Officers
The following statement is copied from the Bylaws and provided within this template of position duties for your convenience. It should accurately reflect the Bylaws; if it does not, remind the Bylaws officer that this section of the template must be updated.
- Attendance at all Intergroup meetings is required.
If officers cannot attend, they should:- Arrange for a replacement who can perform their duties, or
- Supply an official written report, or in the case of a non-reporting officer, supply an official written notice of non-attendance, which must be sent either to the Chair or the Recording Secretary prior to the Intergroup meeting. (10/15/2005)
Officers who fulfill these criteria are considered “Not In Attendance.” If officers fail to make these arrangements for a given meeting, they are considered “Absent” from that meeting.
- In the event that an Intergroup officer is Absent (rather than “Not In Attendance”) 3 consecutive meetings or 4 in a calendar year, they may be replaced if the group favors such action. (7/17/99)
- Reporting and non-reporting officers
- Reporting officers should provide a written or verbal report at each Intergroup meeting.
- Non-reporting officers may make a report at any Intergroup meeting provided they notify the Chair in advance, and must make a report if requested in advance by the Chair or by a vote of Intergroup.
- Outgoing officers work at the end of their terms with incoming officers to transfer the duties of the position.
Intergroup Chair
The Duties of the SLAA Intergroup Chairperson
This document is to provide SLAA members an understanding of how the Intergroup Chairperson acts as a “trusted servant” of SLAA.
General Responsibilities of All Officers
See above
Specific Responsibilities of the Intergroup Chairperson
It is important that you remember to document the responsibilities of your position. At the end or beginning of your term, inform the Bylaws officer of how, if at all, these responsibilities have changed.
- On-going and As Needed
- Makes sure all Officers positions are filled as necessary; works with Officers to handle any questions or issues about their jobs.
- Maintains the Intergroup meeting script.
- Books the rooms for Intergroup meetings.
- Maintains all Intergroup standing documents, including suggestions for Intergroup reports, and Intergroup Rules of Order.
- Calls special meetings.
- Generally only votes to break a tie.
- Time Sensitive Duties
- Monthly – Facilitates all Intergroup meetings.
- Monthly – Serves as parliamentarian. Executes Intergroup’s rules of order to the best of their ability.
- Monthly – Establishes and maintains the agenda for each Intergroup meeting. This includes providing hardcopies of the Fixed Agenda, monthly Business Agenda, and the Intergroup’s rules of business. All matters of Intergroup policy shall be referred to the group for decision and action with respect to the 12 Traditions.
- Monthly – Keeps a record of and produces a hardcopy of all current Intergroup Officers and Intergroup Representatives. This includes providing copies of the most recent Officers List (detailing the name, eddress, and phone number of each officer), and the Group Representative’s list (detailing the times / places of each Bay Area SLAA meeting; whether they have elected a representative; and if so, the representative’s name, when their term ends, and date of the last meeting they attended). Two separate lists are recommended because one may serve as an officer but not be a representative or vice-versa. The Chair typically encourages members to review or correct this information at each meeting. After each meeting, the Chair updates these lists with any corrections.
- Monthly – Keeps a record of all IG reps(see sheet for contents), updates after each meeting.
- Monthly – Gathers Intergroup business items and posts the agenda by the 1st of the month on the website.
- In October and November, starts to identify potential candidates and encourage them to apply for the Officer positions so the elections in December have good candidates.
- Ongoing – Maintains the Intergroup meeting script.
- Monthly – Ensures enough copies of all the required documents are available at each meeting (see the Intergroup meeting script for which documents are required).
- Monthly – Maintains the Intergroup email list; one week prior to the meeting, sends a reminder of the upcoming meeting and other messages as required.
Recording Secretary
The Duties of the SLAA Intergroup Recording Secretary
As of September 15, 2007, this document is to provide SLAA members an understanding of how the Intergroup Recording Secretary acts as a “trusted servant” of SLAA.
General Responsibilities of All Officers
See above
Specific Responsibilities of the Secretary
It is important that you remember to document the responsibilities of your position. At the end or beginning of your term, inform the Bylaws officer of how, if at all, these responsibilities have changed.
- On-going and As Needed.
- Takes minutes of all regular, special, and executive meetings.
- Types and makes copies of minutes available.
- Submits minutes at each Intergroup business meeting for amendments and approval.
- Maintains copies of minutes for all past meetings.
- Time Sensitive Duties.
- Emails minutes to the Chair by the 1st of the month.
The Duties of the SLAA Intergroup Treasurer
As of September 15, 2007, this document is to provide SLAA members an understanding of how the Treasurer acts as a “trusted servant” of SLAA.
General Responsibilities of all Officers
See above.
Specific Responsibilities of the Treasurer
It is important that you remember to document the
responsibilities of your position. At the end or beginning of your term, inform the Bylaws officer of how, if at all, these responsibilities have changed.
- On-going and As Needed.
- Inputs financial transactions totaling thousands of dollars using Quicken personal finance software.
- Maintains custody over business checking account, registered at WAMU as “Bay Area SLAA Intergroup, The Augustine Fellowship”.
- Deposits 7th tradition donations to checking account.
- Disburses funds for all approved expenses using bank’s online payment system whenever possible.
- Use Quicken to reconcile check register balance to bank balance.
- Use Quicken to create a financial report that contains the following information which can be incorporated by reference into the minutes:
- Total donations received since prior report and calendar year-to-date
- Total expenses incurred since prior report and calendar year-to-date
- Current cash balance in checking account segregated by general fund, ABM fund, prudent reserve, and literature fund
- Current literature inventory balance provided by Literature Officer
- Outstanding debts, if any, owed by Intergroup
- Outstanding receivables, if any, owed to Intergroup
- Net balance after considering indebtedness and/or receivables
- List of local groups that have not submitted 7th tradition donations for the calendar year including notation of which groups are financially challenged
- Deposits funds to checking account from special events including talent show, seasonal celebration and workshops
- When necessary, reports on projected expenditures.
- When necessary, revises the prudent reserve. The prudent reserve is currently $2,400 and is a combination of $1,000 for operations and $1,400 for ABM. Any revision must be approved by Intergroup.
- Disburses contributions to FWS when sufficient funds are available above prudent reserve.
- Maintains key for post office box (POB) at 13th St. in Oakland.
- Retrieves mail from POB and distributes at the Intergroup meeting.
- Time Sensitive Duties.
- Periodic – input activity to electronic check register and disburse funds
- Weekly – download transactions to check register and reconcile check register to bank balance.
- Monthly – reports to Intergroup by providing a written and verbal accounting.
- Monthly – retrieve mail from POB, prepare financial reports for meeting.
- Annually – review prudent reserve and projected expenses for next year; distribute custody of treasury possessions and Quicken financial records to incoming Treasurer.
7th Tradition Officer
The Duties of the SLAA Intergroup 7th Tradition Officer
This document is to provide SLAA members an understanding of how the Intergroup 7th Tradition Officer acts as a “trusted servant” of SLAA.
General Responsibilities of All Officers
See above
Specific Responsibilities of the 7th Tradition Officer
It is important that you remember to document the responsibilities of your position. At the end or beginning of your term, inform the Bylaws officer of how, if at all, these responsibilities have changed.
- On-going and As Needed.
- Facilitates communication and implements plans to promote the 7th Tradition in support of Intergroup and Fellowship Wide Services (FWS).
- Liaison with Events Coordinator to maximize fundraising results for special program events. This includes showing up for planned events.
- The Seventh Tradition Officer is a non-reporting officer (per 10/15/2005 vote).
- Time Sensitive Duties.
- Monthly – at each Intergroup meeting, through Intergroup reps, disseminates a summary to be delivered to each meeting secretary and/or treasurer, of the Intergroup Treasurer’s report containing 7th tradition donations.
- Starting in March – coordinates and manages Intergroup’s annual May campaign for FWS “Individual Contribution Month”. In June provides Intergroup with verbal campaign summary of what seemed to work this year as opposed to last year, etc.
ABM Delegate
The Duties of the SLAA Intergroup Delegate
This document is to provide SLAA members an understanding of how the Intergroup Delegate acts as a “trusted servant” of SLAA.
General Responsibilities of All Officers
See above.
Specific Responsibilities of the Delegate
It is important that you remember to document the
responsibilities of your position. At the end or beginning of your term, inform the Bylaws officer of how, if at all, these responsibilities have changed.
- On-going and As Needed.
- Serves for a 2-year period.
- Represents the group conscience of the Bay Area SLAA fellowship at the Annual Business Conference and Annual Business Meeting (ABM).
- Obtains feedback from the Bay Area SLAA fellowship via Intergroup and Intergroup representatives on issues and agenda items to be heard at the Annual Business Meeting prior to attendance.
- Writes and presents a report to Intergroup of the ABM, discussing ABM issues and agenda items as well as the Delegate’s personal strength, hope and experience.
- Serves on at least two committees at the Fellowship Wide Service level and reports to Bay Area Intergroup on activities in those committees.
- Arranges travel and accommodations to the Annual Business Conference and obtains reimbursement for justifiable expenses from the Bay Area Intergroup Treasurer.
- Facilitates the dissemination of information from Fellowship Wide Services about activities and events at the Fellowship Wide Services level, and helps to coordinate and facilitate events at the Bay Area level as needed, relating to these Fellowship Wide Services 12-step activities and events.
- Time Sensitive Duties.
- Monthly – The Delegate is a reporting officer (see above – General Responsibilities).
Bylaws Officer
The Duties of the SLAA Intergroup Bylaws Officer
This document is to provide SLAA members an understanding of how the Intergroup Bylaws Officer acts as a “trusted servant” of SLAA.
General Responsibilities of All Officers
See above
Specific Responsibilities of the Bylaws Officer
It is important that you remember to document the responsibilities of your position. At the end or beginning of your term, inform the Intergroup Chair of how, if at all, these responsibilities have changed.
- On-going and As Needed.
- The Bylaws Officer is a non-reporting officer but should provide notice prior to any absence.
- Reads and becomes familiar with bylaws and assists Chair in clarifying situations that arise where there is a question about Intergroup procedural matters.
- Updates Bylaws when group conscience makes changes or amendments that affect the operating procedures of Intergroup.
- From the yahoo groups website, downloads and personally maintains the Bylaws document; strives to ensure it is always available to other members.
- Brings and/or provides a reference copy of the Bylaws for use at Intergroup meetings (currently in a black three ring binder and online).
- Maintains and updates a digest of motions made at Intergroup (this is to serve as a historical document of how and why Intergroup decided substantive issues; it is not to include procedural minutia) (this is in the gray binder and online). (9/17/2005).
- When an officer leaves his or her post mid-year, the Bylaws officer shall check to ensure that an up-to-date list of duties is provided to the incoming or replacement officer and posted to the Intergroup website.
- Time Sensitive Duties.
- January – February
- The Bylaws Officer shall ask all officers to review and maintain a list of their understanding of their annual duties. When major changes are necessary, the Officers will submit a revised Duty Template describing their position’s duties to the Bylaws Officer. Upon receipt, the Bylaws officer will post the new document to the Intergroup’s website (which is currently hosted by Yahoo Groups).
- Upon beginning the service term, the Bylaws Officer shall ask the Chair for Moderator level access to the Intergroup (ie – Yahoo Groups) site to facilitate any necessary updates to the Bylaws or the Officer’s duty descriptions.
- At the beginning of each year, the By-laws Officer shall provide a list to the Chair of all positions that were vacant during the previous year and a recommendation of what situations gave rise to the positions in the first place, and whether upcoming events might make these positions important to immediately refill. This list is currently maintained in a file titled “Explanation of Positions Vacant for 1 Year or More”. Thus, if necessary, the Chair may issue a call for volunteers for positions that were vacant the previous year.
- November – December
- To ensure continuity, the Bylaws Officer shall ask that any officers who are not likely to return to the same position next year review, update, and provide the list of their duties.
- The Bylaws Officer shall maintain the list of duties for each position online or otherwise make them easily accessible for those who might express an interest in serving in such positions starting in January.
- Before the end of December, a list of duties for each position should be archived online in an annual folder titled “Officer Duties for 2xxx – 2xxx”. For example, in the folder titled “Officer Duties for 2007 – 2008,” 2007 is the term during which the duties were performed and perhaps revised; whereas 2008 is the upcoming or new term during which these duties are more or less expected of the person who is confirmed for the position.
- January – February
Communications Coordinator
The Duties of the SLAA Intergroup Communications Officer [updated Dec 2022
This document is to provide SLAA members an understanding of how the Intergroup Communications Officer acts as a “trusted servant” of SLAA.
General Responsibilities of All Officers
See above
Specific Responsibilities of the Communications Officer
It is important that you remember to document the responsibilities of your position. At the end or beginning of your term, inform the Bylaws officer of how, if at all, these responsibilities have changed.
- On-going and As Needed.
- Publishes the monthly Intergroup Messenger Newsletter via email for purposes of providing information about the fellowship, Intergroup and announcements to the San Francisco – East Bay fellowship.
- The Intergroup Messenger will be reviewed and approved each month by two active members of Intergroup, one of whom should be the Intergroup Chair.
- At the end of each Intergroup meeting, during announcements, the Communications Officer will compile and list out loud the current announcements for the Intergroup Representatives.
- Time Sensitive Duties.
- The Intergroup Messenger will be sent out no later than the first week of each month (instructions on creating and distributing the e-newsletter can be found on this back page).
Mail Chimp Instructions
Username: slaa-sfeb
Pwd: SLAAw3bmast3r2022!
When you open Mail Chimp, you will see:
- Dashboard
- Campaigns
- Lists
- To create new Intergroup Messenger
- Find previous Intergroup Messengers in Campaigns.
- Click Replicate to start a new Intergroup Messenger.
- Use the same font size in previous Intergroup Messengers.
- Leave one space between title and article.
- Leave two spaces after article and title of next article.
- Save & Close to save your work.
- Save & Exit will take you out of Mail Chimp and you will need to log in again.
- Go to Intergroup Google Mail to get Tips of the Month for Intergroup Messenger
- Sf.eb.messenger@gmail.com
- Pw: StAugustine
- Apps – Drive
- Tips of month = quotes
- Send Test Messenger to Email Addresses
- Preview + Test
- Send review test to
Chair: sfebintergroup@gmail.com - Plus one other person
- Don’t send to list until you have sent review test to a few others people to review and give you feedback.
- To Send Intergroup Messenger Email to List
- Click “Plain Text Message” at bottom
- Copy Text from HTML
- Click “Choose Plain Text”
- Confirm
- Send
- Template: My Templates
Diversity and Inclusion Officer
The Duties of the SLAA Intergroup Diversity & Inclusion Officer [updated Mar 2022]
This document is to provide SLAA members an understanding of how the Intergroup Diversity & Inclusion Officer acts as a “trusted servant” of SLAA.
General Responsibilities of All Officers
See above
Specific Responsibilities of the Diversity & Inclusion Officer
It is important that you remember to document the responsibilities of your position. At the end or beginning of your term, inform the Bylaws
officer of how, if at all, these responsibilities have changed.
- On-going and As Needed.
- Leads the process to research and recommend via Discussion items or Motions strategies, initiatives and policies to propose to group conscience of SF EB SLAA IG as it relates to programs and actions to address SLAA IG mission to carry the message to those who still suffer amongst the most marginalized, disadvantaged, underserved and disenfranchised communities who may not be even aware that SLAA exists.
- Leads the process to present to group conscience of SF EB SLAA IG ways to avoid bias or non-inclusive ways in which we may be delivering our program, maintaining the principle of
attraction vs. promotion. - Makes sure there is a balance and equity of proposed recommendations to avoid leaving any underserved group behind, or to favor or focus exclusively in a particular group needs only.
- Forms a committee and leads said committee of volunteers to help implement and monitor approved recommendations and motions.
- Prepares, requests and manages a budget associated with the recommendations/motions submitted to SF EB SLAA IG group conscience, verifies adherence to budget and full implementation of the items and activities included in the budgeted motion.
- Coordinates and works closely in tandem with the PIO and the Communications Officer of SF EB SLAA IG, to assure synchronized, harmonious, effective and efficient use of everybody’s times and resources as it relates to the approved motions.
- Trains IG Officers, in consultation with experts and trainers in the fields of Diversity and Inclusion, on the matters pertaining IG ways and means to carry the message to the people who still suffer in the communities and populations/demographics currently not prevalent or the majority of SF EB SLAA membership.
- Time Sensitive Duties.
- Prepare Quarterly report
- Prepare Annual report
- Participate in the annual budget process
Events Coordinator
The Duties of the SLAA Intergroup Events Coordinator page
This document is to provide SLAA members an understanding of how the Intergroup Events Coordinator acts as a “trusted servant” of SLAA.
General Responsibilities of All Officers
See above
Specific Responsibilities of the Events Coordinator
It is important that you remember to document the responsibilities of your position. At the end or beginning of your term, inform the Bylaws officer of how, if at all, these responsibilities have changed.
- On-going and As Needed.
- Proposes, organizes and administers special program events for the purpose of creating fellowship, fundraising, and providing forums to facilitate recovery.
- Delegates responsibility for particular events to appropriate committees or individuals within the fellowship as necessary.
- Responds to event suggestions from the program fellowship.
- For each event, builds a team to broaden responsibility for its success.
- The Events Coordinator is a reporting officer (describes events that will occur or are likely).
- Time Sensitive Duties.
- Annually coordinates the SLAA Talent Show and Auction (held every June; the exact date may vary each year to allow for greater flexibility with the location and pricing). This requires reserving a location and producing flyers at least one month prior to the actual event.
- Provide the Public Information Officer with sufficient notice to assist with event publicity.
Literature Officer
The Duties of the SLAA Intergroup Literature Officer
This document is to provide SLAA members an understanding of how the Intergroup Literature Officer acts as a “trusted servant” of SLAA.
General Responsibilities of All Officers
See above
Specific Responsibilities of the Literature Officer
It is important that you remember to document the responsibilities of your position. At the end or beginning of your term, inform the Bylaws
officer of how, if at all, these responsibilities have changed.
- On-going and As Needed.
- Purchases literature as needed for Intergroup from Fellowship Wide Services (FWS). Tracks this activity by using and maintaining a sales order sheet and an inventory sheet (using Quicken/Excel or similar software). This may include donations to libraries and to start new groups.
- Coordinates with the Registrar / Webmaster to maintain a webpage for online literature orders (ie – keep the most up to date sales order sheet online).
- Collects and deposits funds from literature sales into the Intergroup bank account which is maintained by the Treasurer.
- The Literature Officer is a non-reporting officer (per 10/15/2005 vote); however, a report is required whenever normal operations are disrupted. Such reports may include:
- revenue from sales of literature to local Fellowship
- expenses from purchases from FWS
- Every 2 months submit parking receipts, tolls, etc. to Treasurer for reimbursement.
- Receives, stores, and delivers all literature to Intergroup meetings.
- Time Sensitive Duties.
- Monthly – Distributes SLAA literature at Intergroup meetings.
- Every 2 months – submit parking receipts, tolls, etc. to Treasurer for reimbursement.
Phone Line Committee Chair
The Duties of the SLAA Intergroup Phone Committee Chair
This document is to provide SLAA members an understanding of how the Intergroup Phone Committee Chair acts as a “trusted servant” of SLAA.
General Responsibilities of All Officers
See above.
Specific Responsibilities of the Phone Committee Chair
It is important that you remember to document the responsibilities of your position. At the end or beginning of your term, inform the Bylaws officer of how, if at all, these responsibilities have changed.
- On-going and As Needed.
- Maintains hardcopy of the Intergroup phone number, passwords, calling guidelines, and voice mail script.
- Recruits, coordinates, and provides instructions to volunteers who receive and respond to inquiries left on voice mail.
- Maintains supply of stamps, 40-Questions pamphlets, meeting lists, and envelopes to respond to phone inquiries, with a monthly budget for this purpose.
- The Phone Committee Officer is a non-reporting officer. [10/15/2005 Intergroup vote]
- Time Sensitive Duties.
- By February 1st of each year – the Phone Committee Chair should make live contact (by phone or personal visit) with, and make sure he or she has an up to date list of contact information (current phone number as well as email address) for all Phone Committee Volunteers.
Public Information Officer
The Duties of the SLAA Intergroup Public Information Officer
This document is to provide SLAA members an understanding of how the Intergroup Public Information Officer acts as a “trusted servant” of SLAA.
General Responsibilities of All Officers
See above
Specific Responsibilities of the Public Information Officer
It is important that you remember to document the responsibilities of your position. At the end or beginning of your term, inform the
Bylaws officer of how, if at all, these responsibilities have changed.
- On-going and As Needed.
- Provides information to non-SLAA institutions, such as hospitals, penal institutions, correctional facilities, mental health clinics, rehabilitation centers, courts, juvenile homes, and abused family residences seeking information about SLAA.
- Acts as liaison with the public, exercising a combination of public relations skills with a thorough grasp of SLAA traditions in relation to the public. Provides the public with information
about SLAA through regional papers, radio, TV and other public media. - May form committees to assist in discharging the duties of the office. Committee members should be active, sober, and familiar with the Traditions and the published SLAA guidelines for public information.
- Works with professionals who ask for help in establishing an SLAA group in their facilities by acting as a liaison to the general membership.
- Exchanges, assimilates, translates, and distributes information to other SLAA members who then might participate in professional programs that are designed to reach other sex and love addicts.
- Manages a budget for postage, literature and meeting lists for distribution to health organizations that are interested and are in a position to help the sex and love addict who still suffers.
- Time Sensitive Duties.
- Monthly – the Public Information officer is a reporting officer (as described above under General Responsibilities).
The Duties of the SLAA Intergroup Registrar / Webmaster
This document is to provide SLAA members an understanding of how the Intergroup Registrar / Webmaster acts as a “trusted servant” of SLAA.
General Responsibilities of All Officers
See above
Specific Responsibilities of the Registrar / Webmaster
It is important that you remember to document the responsibilities of your position. At the end or beginning of your term, inform the Bylaws officer of how, if at all, these responsibilities have changed.
- On-going and As Needed.
- Manages the content and administrative issues (ISP relationship, etc.) associated with the Intergroup website.
- Manages the layout and appearance of the meeting schedule.
- Submits labeled receipts to the Treasurer for reimbursement of Registrar related expenses.
- Maintains accurate registration of Intergroup with FWS.
- Time Sensitive Duties.
- Annually – assists local Intergroup Representatives with obtaining or maintaining accurate registration in the FWS International Directory. Eg – May provide Delegate / FWS with meetings / location.
- Quarterly – (meaning by the March, June, September, and December meetings):
- Updates, produces and distributes the Fellowship meeting schedule. Meetings are posted on the schedule only at the request of someone representing the meeting.
- Emails a copy of the revised schedule each quarter to the Telephone Officer, the Public Information Officer, FWS, community contacts, and others as needed.
- Within 48 hours of the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month – update the website with all announcements received by email.
Workshop Coordinator
The Duties of the SLAA Intergroup Workshop Coordinator [updated Dec 2018]
This document is to provide SLAA members an understanding of how the Intergroup Workshop Coordinator acts as a “trusted servant” of SLAA.
General Responsibilities of All Officers
See above
Specific Responsibilities of the Workshop Coordinator
It is important that you remember to document the
responsibilities of your position. At the end or beginning of your term, inform the Bylaws officer of how, if at all, these responsibilities have changed.
- On-going and As Needed.
- Plans and facilitates two annual all-day 12 Step focused workshops consisting of any combination of speakers, panels or “hands-on”.
- Forms committees and delegates responsibility for particular workshops to appropriate committees or individuals within the fellowship as necessary.
- Responds to workshop suggestions from the program fellowship.
- The Workshop Coordinator is a reporting officer (describes workshops that will occur or are likely).
- Time Sensitive Duties.
- Identifies and secures a venue for a Spring and Fall workshop. Distributes flyers at least one month prior to the actual workshop. Arranges for food and drinks to be sold and collects funds raised by event.
Zoom Coordinator
The Duties of the SLAA Intergroup Digital Communication Officer (updated Dec ‘21)
This document is to provide SLAA members an understanding of how the Intergroup SLAA Intergroup Digital Communication Officer _ acts as a “trusted servant” of SLAA.
General Responsibilities of All Officers
See above
Specific Responsibilities of the SLAA Intergroup Digital Communication Officer
It is important that you remember to document the responsibilities of your position. At the end or beginning of your term, inform the Bylaws officer of how, if at all, these responsibilities have changed.
- On-going and As Needed.
- Manage Overlapping Meetings. This means enforcing the time limit on meetings that stay online when another meeting has the Zoom meeting reserved in the following time slot.
- Add/Remove/Change Zoom Meeting Information on the Zoom site.
- Add/Remove/Change Zoom Meeting Information about Zoom on the SLAA-SFEB.org site or send the information to the Webmaster to be changed.
- Manage the email addresses associated with the Zoom accounts.
- Respond to requests by meetings as required.
- Make the appropriate settings changes needed on the Zoom accounts to ensure the functionality, safety, and usability of the Zoom accounts.
- Time Sensitive Duties.
- Emergency updates as Needed.
- Manage Overlapping Meetings. This means enforcing the time limit on meetings that stay online when another meeting has the Zoom meeting reserved in the following time slot.
Contact Intergroup
(415) 979-4715
The Augustine Fellowship
P.O. Box 32213
Oakland, CA 94604-3513