Meetings are encouraged to update their listing regularly. Please contact our web person at if a meeting changes or discontinues.
This is an open-fellowship gathering for anyone who would like group support in doing any writing/reading related to their own recovery. this can be step-writing, inventories, journaling, art, etc.- whatever participants choose to work on. format: moment of silence; 1min check-in/optional sharing of intended individual writing focus for the night; ~40min individual writing time; optional 3min shares in small groups; 1-word feeling states; moment of silence. arrive early to settle in/purchase items. participants running late are welcome to join the writing and share at they end if they choose.
This meeting provides a place for members to bring their own writing/reading/work to do in a supportive space. those wishing to learn more about a given recovery program may wish to attend a different meeting where speaker shares and readings take place and literature is provided.
******meeting now remote during covid19 shelter in place*****
Please email for meeting access details
© 2025 San Francisco / East Bay SLAA