SF: Women’s, Trans & Non Binary SLAA Mtg Format: weeks 1-3, we read from the SLAA Basic Text; week 4 is a Speaker. Women, trans, and non binary identifying humans …Continue Reading about SF: Women’s, Trans & Non Binary SLAA Mtg
EB: Women, Trans, & Gender Queer in Recovery This is a meeting for women, trans and gender queer folks only. Format: speaker-discussion, step study, getting …Continue Reading about EB: Women, Trans, & Gender Queer in Recovery
SF: Women’s, Trans & Nonbinary The format rotates each week: speaker, literature, topic & meditation. Description Clipper Street entrance For …Continue Reading about SF: Women’s, Trans & Nonbinary
SF: Women’s, Trans & Nonbinary The format rotates each week: speaker, literature, topic & meditation. Description Clipper Street entrance For …Continue Reading about SF: Women’s, Trans & Nonbinary